Families & Students
2024-2025 School Supplies Lists
- Welcome Messages
- Office Staff
- Bell Schedule
- Breakfast and Lunch
- Bus Routes
- Counselor's Corner
- Emergency Procedures
- Important Forms
- Inclement Weather
- Join a Club
- Nurse's Nook
- Pinon PTO
- Parent and Family Handbooks
- Pinon School Calendar
- PowerSchool
- School Messenger
- School Supply Lists
- Student Discipline
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Resources
- Technology Advisement
- Volunteers
Welcome Messages
From the Principal
Welcome to Piñon Elementary!
On behalf of the staff at Piñon Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.
We recognize that to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a significant difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.
We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he/she:
Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience
- Completes all homework assignments given by teachers
- Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills
- Shares school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life
- Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject
- Knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school
This year will bring great change as we move into our new school building in March 2025. We will actively be preparing staff and students for the various changes to procedures and environments that we will have in our new school. There will be some growing pains as we work around ongoing construction dismantling and tearing down the current building in order to build playgrounds, parking lots, and a parent drop-off lane. This will clearly change how we arrive and dismiss from school for the last quarter of the year until that construction is finished. More details will come as we approach that time.
Please check the district and Piñon websites for updates and reminders. You can also stay connected by reading any E-Alerts and School Messenger updates. We are all looking forward to the new school year and I thank you for your participation in your students’ education. Please do not hesitate to contact me or schedule an appointment if you wish to discuss any issues or challenges regarding your child. I feel privileged to be a part of this school family.
Ivanna Austell
From the Assistant Principal
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! Piñon Elementary has such wonderful students and parents, and a terrific, dedicated staff. I am grateful and excited to continue as part of this team as the Assistant Principal! My focus at Piñon is working alongside Principal Austell as we strive to make Piñon Elementary a school where student learning and achievement come first. Our focus for the Piñon staff is high expectations and engaged student learners.
You are a big part of the Piñon team. The relationships between teachers, administrators, and families are vital to the success of your students. I encourage you to reach out and communicate often. Please consider volunteering in the classroom and/or working with the Piñon PTO. Your students are excited and proud to have their families involved in school activities.
This is going to be an awesome year!
Jennifer Kieltyka, Assistant Principal
Office Staff
Christina Herman Administrative Secretary
Kim Carr Attendance Clerk
Bell Schedule
Piñon Elementary Hours and Daily Schedule
If arriving late for school (or picking up early), parents must report to the main office to sign the student in (or out).
Office hours are 7:45 am - 3:45 pm.
Daily Schedule
7:30 am - 7:55 am: Before School Activities & Breakfast - Early Bird Club
*7:55 am: Breakfast Service Starts & Playground Supervision Begins
*8:10 am: School begins (PK - 6th)
*9:30 am - 9:45 am: Primary Recess
*9:45 am - 10:00 am*: Middle Recess
*10:00 am -10:15 am*: Upper Recess
*11:15 am - 12:00 pm*: PK-3rd grade Lunch & Recess
11:30 am - 12:15 pm*: 4th grade - 65th grade Lunch & Recess
*1:30 pm - 1:40 pm*: K - 3rd grade Recess; 4th grade - 6th grade Run-Walk
*2:40 pm: Dismissal PK-6th grade
2:45 pm: School Supervision Ends
Preschool Hours
If arriving late for preschool (or picking up early), parents must report to the main office to sign the student in (or out).
NM3Y Program
AM Session: 8:00 am - 11:00 am, Monday - Thursday
PM Session: 11:50 am pm - 2:50 pm, Monday - Thursday
No Preschool on Friday
NM 4Y PreKinder Program
8:10 am - 2:40 pm, Monday - Friday)
Band Schedule
Teacher: Zane Meek
7:30 am - 8:15 am: 5th grade
8:30 am - 9:15 am 6th grade
7:30 am - 8:15 am: 6th grade
8:30 am - 9:15 am: 5th grade
Orchestra Schedule
Teacher: Jeremy Bleich
7:30 am - 8:15 am: 4th grade
8:30 am - 9:15 am: 5th-6th grade
7:30 am - 8:1 am: 5 5th-6th grade
8:30 am - 9:15 am: 4th grade
4th - 6th Grade Choir
Teacher: Nic Montoya-Valdez
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Breakfast and Lunch
Los Alamos Public Schools (LAPS) is pleased to offer a free breakfast and lunch to all of our students. This year LAPS will be utilizing the Offer Versus Serve (OVS) model pertaining to USDA and NSLP requirements. This model will provide students with more of a choice for both breakfast and lunch service.
Our food service provider will make substitutions for students with disabilities that restrict diet, on a case-by-case basis. These substitutions must be supported by a written statement from a licensed physician. If a student has a dietary need this must be communicated to the school site nurse. The school site will inform our food service partner so they can prepare the requested meal for the student. You can view menus online at https://laschools.nutrislice.
Even though all students can participate in the breakfast and lunch program we encourage all families to complete the free and reduced meal program application. These applications are used for other important funding opportunities which support the district and our students. Also, students become eligible for reduced fees at school sites based on these applications. Please use the online option at www.schoolcafe.com.
If you are unable to complete the online option please download a copy of the Free and Reduced Meal Program Application (en español). Instructions for this application can be found at USDA Application Instructions. Email the completed form to the Assistant Superintendent for Operations and Safety at m.johnson@laschools.net.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the school lunch program please send an email to m.johnson@laschools.net.
Bus Routes
LAPS provides bus service for all Los Alamos County elementary students who live at least 1 mile from the school, for middle school students who live 1.5 miles from the school, and for high school students who live 2 miles from the school.
Please complete the 2024-2025 Student Bus Card.
Counselor's Corner
A Message From Mrs. Byers
My name is Mrs. Byers. This will be my 7th year as the School Counselor here at Piñon and I'm excited to continue to support students, staff and families in this new school year. I was born and raised here in White Rock and went to school at Chamisa. I moved to Albuquerque to go to UNM to study Psychology and Counseling then decided to move back home to be closer to family. My favorite activities are camping and fishing and watching my 4-year-old daughter grow up. I am looking forward to working with all of you to support your children on their educational journey! Go Panthers!
What does a School Counselor do?
I work alongside teachers and parents to help students develop socially and emotionally, and to help remove any barriers they have to learning! Please visit my website for more information: https://sites.google.com/view/byerswebpagelaschools/home
How do I support students?
- Classroom lessons teaching social skills, how to take care of strong feelings, study skills, etc.
- Small group counseling
- Short-term individual counseling
- Consultation with parents and teachers regarding academic concerns
- Parent engagement
- Community resource referrals (including longer term therapy services)
How do students see a School Counselor?
- Self-referral
- Parent referral
- Administrative, teacher, or other staff referral
- Counselor observation
How can I support Parents?
- Helping to handle social or emotional concerns you have about your child here at school
- Improving parent-child communication
- Family difficulties or concerns that affect your child at school
- Referrals for community resources
- Understanding the developmental changes of childhood
- Discussing concerns about your child’s academic achievement
I look forward to working with you all this year!
Contact information:
Emergency Procedures
Safe School Protocols
Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that the schools have made preparations to respond effectively to such situations. In fact, public schools in New Mexico are built to meet stringent construction standards, and they may be safer than your own home in the event of a disaster.
Should we have a major disaster during school hours, your student(s) will be cared for at this school. Los Alamos Public Schools have detailed emergency response plans, which have been formulated to respond to a major catastrophe. While the specific details of these plans cannot be made public, we will provide any information necessary for your emergency planning needs and peace of mind, in case of an emergency. After you have thoughtfully reviewed this process, please sit with your child(ren) and help them to understand that it is necessary for them to follow the directions of any school personnel in times of an emergency drill or actual emergency situation. The safety of all depends on all personnel and students treating drills and emergency directions with serious respect.
Your cooperation is necessary in any emergency:
1. Do not telephone. You can receive updated information through an emergency communication system, provided by the school district and Los Alamos County. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication.
2. In the event of a serious emergency, students will be kept at their schools until they can be picked up by an identified, responsible adult who has been listed as such on a LAPS emergency card, which is required to be completed by parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year. Please be sure you consider the following criteria when you authorize another person to pick up your child at school:
- S/He is 18 years of age or
- S/He is usually home during the
- S/He could walk to school, if
- S/He is known to your
- S/He is both aware and able to assume this
During an extreme emergency, students will be released at designated reunion sites, to be identified by the Incident Commander and located on school campuses. Please instruct your student to remain at the school until you or your designee arrives.
3. Turn your radio to AM 1610 for emergency If students are to be kept at school, radio stations will be notified. If electrical service is not affected, information will be relayed via LAPS to the radio and television broadcast media. In addition, information regarding day-to-day school operations will be available by accessing our website, or subscribing to our E-Alerts web-based system. All sites have hotline numbers, which will be updated.
4. In the event that any emergency takes place during the time that students expect to be transported to or from school:
- If students are on the bus at the time, they will be kept on the bus, and the driver will ask for assistance through radio contact with the school and district
- Any child who is home waiting for the bus will not be picked up and remains the responsibility of the parent or
- In any situation, if the student’s bus does not arrive at the stop within fifteen (15) minutes, the student should return
- In the event that an emergency occurs in the afternoon, the driver will make every attempt to continue delivering the students to their homes. Should road conditions prevent the driver from delivering students to their home or to school in the morning, the students will be delivered to the nearest district site, and that site’s personnel will communicate with home school personnel to inform them of the students’ location.
5. In case of a hazardous release event (i.e. chemical spill) near the school area, Shelter procedures will be implemented to provide “in place” All students and staff will clear the fields, report to their rooms, and all efforts will be made to prevent outside air from entering the classrooms during the emergency. “Shelter-In-Place” signs will be placed in classroom windows or hung outside classroom doors during a drill or emergency. Students arriving at school during a Shelter drill or event should report to the school office or to a previously designated area at the school because classrooms will be inaccessible. When the dangerous incident has subsided, an “all clear” signal will be given.
In the case of a county-wide evacuation, which would include the schools, that evacuation would proceed in accordance with the protocols established in the Los Alamos County Emergency Operations Plan. Please access the County’s website for this county-wide evacuation plan.
Safe Schools Plan
LAPS uses Standard Response Protocols that help the school and district coordinate communication so that everyone gets the same message. LAPS uses a system that groups various types of emergencies into four main headings: Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuation and Shelter. We also have a Critical Incident Response Plan that follows the district’s Good Grief Model. A Critical Incident, for example, might be the death or injury of a staff member or student in the district. Our plan helps the district coordinate communication so that everyone gets the same message.
- HOLD: “HOLD in your classroom or Area - Clear the Halls”
- SECURE (Lock Out): “SECURE the perimeter - Get Inside - Lock outside doors”
- LOCKDOWN: “LOCKDOWN - Locks, Lights, Out of Sight”
- EVACUATION/FIRE DRILL: “EVACUATE to …(location)...” or the fire alarm will sound
- SHELTER: “Shelter in Place due to hazard (in location)….”
- BOMB-THREAT: Touch nothing - send a note to the office
Emergency drill requirements have been established per Senate Bill 147 (SB147): An emergency drill shall be conducted in each public and private school once a week during the first four weeks of the school year, plus four additional drill during the remainder of the school year.
- Every classroom will be equipped with a red Grab ‘n Go bag to be used for any emergency drill. It contains a yellow safety vest, class lists, a safety folder with instructions for how to handle various safety drills, evacuation map, and an attendance form which will be collected during the drill:
- An evacuation map and a Standard Response Protocol poster will be posted on the wall near the red safety bag. Standard Response Poster
- These procedures are reviewed at the beginning of the school year, and distributed during the year before each practice drill.
- Most classrooms are equipped with a radio to be used during duties and drills.
- Each building will contain a Shelter-in-Place Kit, which has food and water needed in the event that we are asked to shelter-in-place for an extended period.
- All outside/exterior doors will remain locked and closed at all times during the school days. All gated entrances at the fence perimeter will be locked during school hours, other than the front entrance.
Important Forms
Inclement Weather
The decision to close school or delay the start of school will usually be made by 5:30 A.M. We will be coordinating with Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Los Alamos County on all decisions about a delayed start, cancellation, or early dismissal In general, if the Lab is on a delay, school opening will be delayed; if the Lab is closed due to weather, our schools will usually be closed. When school is dismissed early or canceled for the day, all after school programs including athletics (both home and away contests) and activities are canceled.
School Cancellation
A “snow day” plan will be declared when snow and weather conditions warrant.
Visit the District Office homepage announcements at www.laschools.net
SchoolMessenger will send out email/text notifications. If the parent or guardian is signed up to receive messages
Watch one of the local morning news programs
Information Lines:
District Office: 663-2223
Aspen Elementary: 663-2277
Barranca Mesa Elementary: 663-2732
>Chamisa Elementary: 663-2472
Mountain Elementary: 663-2327
Pinon Elementary: 663-2682
Los Alamos Middle School: 663-2377
Los Alamos High School: 663-2512
Delayed Start
Any activities before school are canceled on snow days.
Students should arrive at school for these start times:
10:10 A.M. - Elementary schools
Busses will arrive at bus stops two hours later than the usual pickup time
Parking lots will usually be cleared and ready for buses and cars by 7:30 A.M. Please allow our maintenance staff to clear the parking lots.
Sidewalks will usually be cleared by 8:00 A.M.
Early Dismissal
On rare occasions, schools will dismiss early because of unusually heavy snowfall during the day. The Superintendent, in collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory and Los Alamos County staff, makes this decision. When the decision to dismiss school early occurs, it generally precedes county and laboratory closings. For that reason, it is important for students and school staff to proceed home quickly in order to avoid traffic congestion within the county. If your personal information changes, especially the phone number, you must inform the school office so that we can contact parents.
Join a Club
Nurse's Nook
Teri Kerstiens, RN School Nurse t.kerstiens@laschools.net 505-663-2687
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is always a pleasure to care for your children each school year. As the school nurse, my job is to help keep your child healthy and in school. Our door is always open to discuss any health problems or other care issues. Children learn best when they are healthy, well rested, and have had nutritious meals and snacks.
Required Paperwork:
- Current Immunization record, up to date
- Annual Physical Exam*
- Annual Dental Exam*
- Medication Permission Forms
*Physical and Dental exams are not required annually. Only for PreK, Kindergarten, and new incoming students to the district must submit these forms.
How Sick Is Too Sick for School?
Whether or not to keep a child home from school isn’t always an easy decision. It is obvious that a very ill child does not belong at school, but there are lots of days when common sense isn’t enough to make the choice. The following discussion may give parents some helpful guidelines.
To begin, children with fevers should not be in school. Remember that ill children sometimes have normal temperatures in the morning but become feverish by afternoon. Returning to school is appropriate after 24 hours of being fever free. Definitions of “fever” vary, but it is generally accepted that 100.4 degrees F constitutes a fever.
Conditions making students too uncomfortable to participate in class are also reasonable grounds for remaining at home. Examples are urinary tract infections, painful injuries, and nagging coughs. Parents may also consult the school nurse with questions about whether or not to keep a child home from school, or with questions about how the school environment might be modified to accommodate a student’s problems.
Finally, children with contagious diseases, spread by contact or coughing or sneezing, should stay home. Examples of these are influenza, chicken pox, and strep throat. A child with strep throat may return to school after 24 hours of antibiotics if feeling well enough. Children with colds should be kept home as appropriate. Constant coughing and sneezing are sufficient reasons to do so. Another infection condition is conjunctivitis, or “pink eye”. Though the state Department of Health no longer requires exclusion of students with pink eye from school, most Los Alamos pediatricians recommend staying at home for the first 24 hours of treatment.
Of course, every child with a sniffle cannot miss school, but consideration for other students and staff is expected and appreciated. Children should be reminded to use tissues to cover coughs and sneezes and ESPECIALLY to wash hands frequently.
Please, use the checklist below as a tool to determine whether or not to keep your child home from school.
- Does your child have a fever of 100.4 or greater ?
- Has your child vomited one or more times in a 24-hour period?
- Has your child had diarrhea one or more times in a 24-hour period?
- Does your child have complaints of a sore throat that is accompanied by fever, headache, stomachache, or swollen glands?
- Does your child have complaints of a stomach ache that is accompanied by a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, sharp pain, and/ or hard belly?
- Does your child have a persistent, phlegmy cough?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please keep your child home from school and consider seeking medical attention, your child could have a serious or contagious illness.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Pinon's School Nurse, Teri Kerstiens, RN t.kerstiens@laschools.net or 505-663-2687.
Nurse Forms:
Administration of Medication at School
Agreement for Self-Administration of Inhaler Medication
Medication Receipt Form
Pinon PTO
Board Officers:
Whitney Pack, President
Nic Montoya-Valdez, Vice President
Alexis Rodriguez, Secretary
Monica Avery and Megan Hesselink, Co-Treasurers
Smith's Community Rewards Program
To all of our Smith's shoppers! If you would consider connecting your card to Piñon Elementary School while you have a child here, that would make a huge impact. So many things happen with the money we receive from Smith's.
You can easily connect your card to Piñon Elementary School at: https://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/account/communityrewards/
Parent and Family Handbooks
Pinon School Calendar
School Messenger
LAPS uses the School Messenger system to notify parents for reasons that impact safety and academic performance of students.
Once your child is enrolled at LAPS, you will be automatically enrolled to receive email notifications from School Messenger. LAPS highly recommends that parents also sign up for text messaging so that they may receive important announcements via text, such as emergency notifications. To sign up for text messaging, please follow these instructions in English or Spanish.
If you have a student in one of our schools, please ensure that your school contact information and emergency contact information is up-to-date.
If you need to make a change to your contact information, please call or visit your school office.
School Supply Lists
Student Discipline
Piñon’s school rules are:
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Piñon’s Vision Statement is
100% of Piñon students will Be Kind and Learn
Pinon students have the right to:
Feel emotionally, physically, and intellectually safe while at school
Manage their personal space and property
Ensure that their educational needs are met
Be treated fairly and courteously by everyone in the Piñon School community
Pinon students are expected to:
Students will follow all class and school rules, procedures, and protocols
Students will use all materials, texts, and equipment correctly and with care
Students will behave in ways that make others feel safe in school
Students will follow directions the first time they are given
Students will bring to school all required books, supplies, and materials daily
Students will work carefully, completely, and to the best of their ability
Students will behave in ways that support effective teaching and learning
Students will honor the personal space, property, and materials of others
Students will treat each person in the Piñon School community with respect
In effort to ensure a positive school climate and provide a safe and effective learning environment, Piñon uses a school-wide Positive Behavior Support (PBS)/CHAMPS program. This learning based approach helps us systematically teach and recognize appropriate behaviors. Additionally, it guides us in measures to correct undesired behaviors.
Most classroom issues will be dealt with by the teacher or other adults in the room, however if a behavior becomes serious enough, or extends beyond the classroom, a discipline referral can be written by any staff member. Piñon staff use a Connect & Correct card (Yellow Card) for this purpose, as a means of recording and reporting Level 2 behavior issues. This card serves as a data point, as well as notification to the student’s teacher.
It is the teacher’s responsibility to notify parents of each issue as it occurs. When deemed necessary and appropriate, the principal or counselor will then schedule a parent conference to review the issues and make a plan.
Level 1
Level 1 behaviors, unless persistent and dangerous, will be addressed by the staff member in the moment, or soonest possible moment. A staff member who observes a Level 1 infraction corrects the student at the time and in the setting where it occurred. No Yellow Card is required but teacher documentation and parent contact is suggested. Expect an email from the teacher.
Name calling
Use of bad language including racial slurs
Arguing or minor fighting with no physical contact
Instigating fighting among others
Being disrespectful to adults or other students
Congregating for inappropriate conduct
Inappropriate clothing (revealing/not dress code)
Running in hallways or other areas other than assigned play areas
Instigating or spreading rumors
Taking others’ belongings
Making a mess in the bathroom
Not following directions
Talking too much in class/disruptive
Not completing assigned work
Breaks classroom material
Refusal to work (unless combative)
Level 2
Level 2 behaviors are any chronic or repeated Level 1 behaviors. These don’t require administrative involvement but do require documentation.
A staff member who observes a Level 2 infraction will:
Assign a consequence (apology) or use a Connect & Reflect form
Complete a Yellow Card or a Connect & Correct card
Give the Yellow Card to the homeroom teacher. The teacher will notify parents
Level 3
The following are examples of behaviors that are considered major offenses and will result in immediate administrative intervention:
Improper touching or verbal harassment (sexual)
Threats of bodily harm, harm to self, harm to school
Major fighting (thrown punches or kicks)
Drugs, alcohol, smoking
Verbal assault, aggressive defiance
Defacing school property
Weapon on campus
Severe harassing or bullying
Racial, religious, or sexual harassment or offensive comments
A staff member who observes a Level 3 infraction sends the student to the office or calls for help to remove the student, then completes a yellow card and email parents.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Behavior Expectations
Student Rights
Student Responsibilities
Piñon students are expected to:
- Students will follow all class and school rules, procedures, and protocols
- Students will use all materials, texts, and equipment correctly and with care
- Students will behave in ways that make others feel safe in school
- Students will follow directions the first time they are given
- Students will bring to school all required books, supplies, and materials daily
- Students will work carefully, completely, and to the best of their ability
- Students will behave in ways that support effective teaching and learning
- Students will honor the personal space, property, and materials of others
- Students will treat each person in the Piñon School community with respect
Student Behavior
Positive Behavior Support
In effort to ensure a positive school climate and provide a safe and effective learning environment, Piñon uses a school-wide Positive Behavior Support (PBS)/CHAMPS program. This learning based approach helps us systematically teach and recognize appropriate behaviors. Additionally, it guides us in measures to correct undesired behaviors.
Most classroom issues will be dealt with by the teacher or other adults in the room, however if a behavior becomes serious enough, or extends beyond the classroom, a discipline referral can be written by any staff member. Piñon staff use a Connect & Correct card (Yellow Card) for this purpose, as a means of recording and reporting Level 2 behavior issues. This card serves as a data point, as well as notification to the student’s teacher.
It is the teacher’s responsibility to notify parents of each issue as it occurs. When deemed necessary and appropriate, the principal or counselor will then schedule a parent conference to review the issues and make a plan.
Specific Levels of Student Behavior
Level 1
Level 1 behaviors, unless persistent and dangerous, will be addressed by the staff member in the moment, or soonest possible moment. A staff member who observes a Level 1 infraction corrects the student at the time and in the setting where it occurred. No Yellow Card is required but teacher documentation and parent contact is suggested. Expect an email from the teacher.
• Name calling
• Use of bad language including racial slurs
• Arguing or minor fighting with no physical contact
• Instigating fighting among others
• Being disrespectful to adults or other students
• Congregating for inappropriate conduct
• Inappropriate clothing (revealing/not dress code)
• Running in hallways or other areas other than assigned play areas
• Instigating or spreading rumors
• Taking others’ belongings
• Making a mess in the bathroom
• Not following directions
• Talking too much in class/disruptive
• Not completing assigned work
• Breaks classroom material
• Refusal to work (unless combative)
Level 2
Level 2 behaviors are any chronic or repeated Level 1 behaviors. These don’t require administrative involvement but do require documentation.
A staff member who observes a Level 2 infraction will:
• Assign a consequence (apology) or use a Connect & Reflect form
• Complete a Yellow Card or a Connect & Correct card
• Give the Yellow Card to the homeroom teacher. The teacher will notify parents.
Level 3
The following are examples of behaviors that are considered major offenses and will result in immediate administrative intervention:
• Improper touching or verbal harassment (sexual)
• Threats of bodily harm, harm to self, harm to school
• Major fighting (thrown punches or kicks)
• Drugs, alcohol, smoking
• Verbal assault, aggressive defiance
• Defacing school property
• Weapon on campus
• Severe harassing or bullying
• Racial, religious, or sexual harassment or offensive comments
A staff member who observes a Level 3 infraction sends the student to the office or calls for help to remove the student, then completes a yellow card and email parents.
Student Resources
Technology Advisement
The purpose of any computer utilization is to enhance the educational experience. All students and staff are required to have a signed district Technology Agreement on file. Use of computers is a privilege and not a right. Inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of those privileges. Pinon administration will determine what is inappropriate use and that decision will be final. Inappropriate use will result in the closing of an account at any time or by removal from a computer-based class.
Acceptable Use of Technology 6144.1R
Acceptable Use of Technology Addendum 1 Grade K-6
Permission To Publish
All parents of Pinon students must read and sign the following technology user agreement before they are allowed to use their assigned school device.
Grades Pk-2_technology User Agreement
Grades 3-6_technology User Agreement